![illustration Uxorious](https://assets.wordgenius.com/wordgenius/Word+of+The+Day+Images/WG-Uxorious.jpg)
Part of speech: adjective
Origin: Latin, late 16th century
Having or showing an excessive or submissive fondness for one's wife.
Examples of Uxorious in a sentence
"His uxorious habit of giving flowers to his wife every Friday earned him some teasing at the florist. "
"After 50 years of marriage, he still felt as uxorious as he did on their wedding day."
About Uxorious
Being uxorious isn’t just about being a devoted husband. It usually implies an excessive amount of affection or even submissiveness. While we won’t call her domineering, the wife in a uxorious couple is probably the boss of the house.
Did you Know?
It’s about as straightforward a translation from Latin as you can get. In Latin, "uxor" means "wife." "Uxorious" (adjective), "uxoriously" (adverb), and "uxoriousness" (noun) are all related to devotion and affection toward one’s wife.
![illustration Uxorious](https://assets.wordgenius.com/wordgenius/Word+of+The+Day+Images/WG-Uxorious.jpg)