All Words > Resfeber

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Part of speech: noun


The tangled feeling of fear and excitement before a journey begins.


The restless race of the traveller's heart in anticipation of travel

Examples of Resfeber in a sentence

"I'm feeling so much resfeber for my trip to Toronto tomorrow morning."

"I was feeling so much resfeber last night I couldn't sleep."

About Resfeber

Everyone who has tried and failed to fall asleep the night before a vacation, or has been unable to sit still while waiting to depart on a road trip, has experienced resfeber. There's no direct English word that quite captures the same sense of excitement, and maybe a hint of fear, in the moments before a journey. Thankfully, Sweden has come up with the wonderful word resfeber to perfectly describe those pre-travel jitters!

Did you Know?

Resfeber is a Swedish word that literally translates as "travel fever." It is used to describe that specific feeling a person gets in the lead up to an adventure that doesn't really exist in the English language

illustration Resfeber

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