Part of speech: adjective
Origin: English, 17th century
Unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention.
Examples of Hidebound in a sentence
"With the exception of a few hidebound urban traditionalists, the whole city council voted to absorb the suburbs into the city limits."
"Despite several decades of advances in camping equipment, my hidebound uncle insists his 1970s mountaineering tools are still superior."
About Hidebound
“Hidebound” was formed out of two words in English: “hide,” meaning “animal skin,” and “bound,” meaning “tied.”
Did you Know?
The term “hidebound” once referred simply to animals — an animal was hidebound when it was emaciated, with skin so tight against its body that it restricted motion. Today, the term refers to anyone or anything held in place by the tension of some tradition or convention and a fixation on doing things as they’ve always been done. For example, hidebound music companies that have not embraced the rise of TikTok and other social media are at risk of losing out in the new landscape of streaming and musical discovery.